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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Warhammer 40K : Fire Warrior System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2004-10-04 15:20:42 Views : 33627 Secret Objectives List Basic Training - Press every button in the end briefing room The Drop - Kill the courier The Push - Man the pintle gun and kill the 4 guards activated Watch Towers - Kill all the snipers on the upper ring of the prison The Cells - Free all the tau prisoners Deep Level - Pick up the bread in the caves Unwelcome Guests - Save the air caste in the kitchen from being killed The Invaders - Save the air caste in the medical bay System shutdown - Kill the 3 tech priests by the keys Diversion - Find the 3 hiding air cast on the bridge deck Clear the Decks - Shoot a barrel on a ledge on Deck B Power House - Do not set off the sentry alarms Distant Eyes - Kill the 4 snipers running on a ledge by the orange door No Rest/Wicked - Shoot the barrels in the sewer Silence the Guns - Kill the scared servitor in the engine room Last Chance - Kill the 3 imperials you find as you jump down the stairs City in Tatters - Kill both obliterators Titanic - Shoot an enemy on the upper balcony from the middle balcony Descent - Find the meltagun Convergence - Find the 3 dead tau Face of Chaos - Shoot the 4 chaos candelabra Unlock Extra Image Each "A" grade in NORMAL and HARD unlocks an image in the image banks. Unlock Movies The movies in the THEATER unlock after you have seen them, except for the first 2 movies which are unlocked after Deep Level. No movies are unlocked on EASY. Unlocked Cheats per Completion of Difficulty Level Hard Difficulty - Finish all levels on NORMAL. Infinite Ammo Cheat - Finish all levels on NORMAL with an A grade. Infinite Shield Cheat - Finish all levels on HARD. Infinite Health Cheat - Finish all levels on HARD with a C or above. Infinite Grenades Cheat - Finish all levels on HARD with a B or above. Choice of Left Hand Weapon - Finish all levels on HARD with an A. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Warhammer 40K : Fire Warrior cheat codes.
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